Child Care

LIFE Christian Academy’s  “A Child’s LIFE” is a quality state-licensed full-day child care. Our dedicated staff is loving, kind, and trained in developmentally appropriate practices, encouraging your children to develop at their own levels through a Christ-centered and nurturing program.

Our goal is to introduce young children to concepts such as cooperation with others, the importance of love and respect for God and authority, and healthy curiosity about the workings of the world around them. Children will grow socially, physically and spiritually, teaching them to adapt to new situations and laying the groundwork for their approaching Kindergarten experience.

Understanding that God is a loving God

Social and Emotional
Value family relationships and obedience to parents and teachers

Refine basic principles of balance, touch, and coordination

Experiment with making music vocally and with a variety of supplied instruments

Engage with others to explore, reason, plan and experiment with solutions to presented scenarios

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday (School holidays excepted)
7:00 AM - 5:30 PM


A variety of active participation activities to promote social, emotional, physical and spiritual development

Additional Opportunities

Special dress-up and activity days

Cost per Student

$200 annual Registration Fee
Call 303-438-1260 for monthly rates

Class Size

Based on CDHS Staff-to-Child Ratios

To schedule an appointment or a tour, call 303-438-1260